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Upgrade your water skid with ifm's Industry 4.0 system solutions!

Our industrial controls starter kit ZE1899, has all the components you need to automate, control, and upgrade your machine for Industry 4.0!


ifm's Industrial Controller provides diagnostics and machine control in real time

ifm specialises in automation technology. Our multi-functional display controller and IO-Link products form a complete systems solution that improves quality and machine performance...at a lower cost of ownership than your system today!

Starter kit offer - Test your first proof of concept!

Since sensor values are transmitted to the controller/PLC and displayed in real time, the operator will be able to anlayse the data and make process adjustments with greater accuracy.

Get in touch!

ifm understands. Our experience has taught us that each industry has unique challenges in production automation. We develop and customise our sensors and controls to meet the demands of each market.

Contact our team today to discover how we can help with your application!